work from home to prepare online for opsc OAS Exam

Work from home and online jobs are the talk of the people across the globe. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, 'work from home' and 'online jobs' are the buzz words. In the present global pandemic situation, there is a constant fear among the people about their safety and risk involved in their life. So we should ask these questions to ourselves:
1. Is our work pandemic proof?
2. Can our work or business sustain government lockdown?
We should think about these two questions.
So creating our online presence is the need of the hour. We should promote our virtual presence everywhere.we should avoid our physical presence as far as possible.

Internet connection and laptop are the basic requirements to work from the home.
Most of the working professionals nowadays are getting bored with their regular 9- 5 job format. I am telling you; getting money but working from your own comfortable place is the nice thing that everyone aspires for. If you have a good internet connection and laptop, the entire world is your office. You can work from any place you like depending on your mood and compatibility. I understand this is going to be the work culture of the post-COVID-19 period.

POST-COVID-19 work culture

There is a trending voice among the masses for working from the home. Online work culture is getting the momentum day by day. The present-day COVID-19 virus situation has made this mindset more potent. One more thing I want to tell you is about safety. As a mechanical engineer, I understand safety is the most important thing in life. It comes in first place in everything. we can't afford the risk of negotiation with our safety precautions. So working in a safe environment is the idea I am trying to convince you. Work is a must kind of thing. we have to work at any cost for our living. Without work sustenance of life is impossible. So my blog tag line 'work is a must but safety is first' has got the prominence. So we should work but without compromising with our safety precautions.
The mindset of people in the post-COVID-19 period is going to be more inclined towards this concept.' The more you avoid the physical presence is the better' is the new idea of our society. The Internet is going to be the new basic need of our society. Starting from the destitute to affluent sections people will feel the need for the internet everywhere. Digitization of everything is the new standard of living of everything globally. Since I belong to India, I can talk about more South Asian conditions. Digitization of everything is the new buzz word here. The concept of digital India and online transactions are nowadays getting momentum in Indian society. Since the historic demonetization happened in India, the idea of online transactions is spreading its tentacles even in Indian remote villages. So 'online work' and 'work from home' are the new style of work culture is going to be very popular in Indian society.

WORK FROM HOME: pros and cons;

1.we need not physically present every time at our workplace.
2.we can work from a comfortable place without any hassle.
3. The fixed 9-5 work culture can be avoided.
4. The flexibility in working hours i.e we can work in a comfortable time.
5. We can spend more time with our family.
6. We can avoid the unnecessary wastage of time traveling through buses, metros, etc.
7. We can productively use our working time.
8. If we are minimizing our going outside, the probability of getting affected by the unknown viruses will be minimum.
9. We can keep our family members and society safe.
10. The'work from home' concept will greatly minimize our physical presence at the workplace resulting in the reduction of traffic at the roads.
11. Unnecessary traffic on our roads and high ways can be greatly be reduced.
12. We can reduce a great percentage of our road accidents happen each year.
13. The entire world will be boarder less as far as jobs are concerned. That means we can work for any company situated anywhere in the globe sitting in the comfort place of our home.
14. Our family culture will be improved. we need not go to another state or another country leaving our old parents behind.
15. We can celebrate each festival with our family members and relatives.
16. The Indian traditional value system will be gradually restored.
17. The old parents won't feel the pain of being alone in their old age when they are in badly need of their son or daughter leaving abroad for job purposes.
18. The idea of a global village will be more transparent.
19. We can spend more time and holidays with our children.
20. Quality family time will be the new reality of our society.


1.the dependence on the internet will be increased.
2.the failure of the internet will affect our work efficiency.
3.the lack of digital literacy.
4.some works are there which are not possible without physical presence.
5.we altogether can't avoid physical presence everywhere.
6.the cybercrime will be a new problem.
7. protection from cybercrime will be a new headache.
8. Our more dependence on computers may make us lazy and weak.
9.the gradual shift from human-centric work culture to machine-centric work culture may impose some new problems.
10. Without proper digital literacy, the idea of working from home using the internet may pose some unknown problems before our society.
11. Is our society ready for such type of work culture?
12.proper and strict cyber laws and principles are needed. Otherwise, the whole exercise will be futile.
13.the awareness about digital literacy and computer education is not uniform.
14.strong internet connectivity is required.
15.promoting 'work from home' culture
in remote and rural areas is difficult due to a lack of awareness for digital literacy.

So we can conclude that the gradual shift towards 'work from home' is the new standard we should follow. we can't altogether deny our physical presence at the workplace.we can make a healthy mixture of our virtual and physical presence having more inclination towards our virtual presence.
We should promote digital literacy in our society.
As Nobel laureate Kailash satyarthi says,
'Let's democratize knowledge,
Let's universalize justice,
Together, let's globalize compassion.'
So let's make the digital literacy democratized adopting the universalization of justice for all and spreading the compassion for 'work from home'.

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