Motivation during preparation for civil services(opsc OAS)

Motivation during preparation for civil services(opsc OAS)
I want to share with you a story. There were two friends named Pablo and John. Once their village was suffering from water scarcity. It was very hard for the villagers to find sufficient water for their daily usage. They had to walk at least 3km daily to get the water. Now Pablo and John decided to earn some money by helping the needy villagers to get their water at their doorstep. They daily walked to the nearby water stream which was 3km away from the village. They carried buckets of water to the village and sold them to the villagers. Gradually they became rich and their lifestyle changed. One day John thought that it won't be possible always to carry the buckets of water. So he thought to build a pipeline from the water stream to the village so that the water will flow directly to the village. He shared his thought with Pablo but Pablo rejected the idea of saying it a stupid idea. But John was headstrong about his vision. He started digging the pipeline. Half-day he worked carrying water and another half of the day he started digging the pipeline. He saw that it was taking more time to complete the pipeline so he gave up his work of carrying water and devoted the whole day to digging the pipeline. He became weak and poor. But Pablo's income went on increasing. He became richer. People laughed at John for his stupidity. They tickled him saying him the 'Pipeline man'. But John was singleminded for his work. He kept on working. Time was passed by days, months, and years. Finally, that day came when his pipeline construction was completed. Now water came to the village directly to the village through the pipeline without any physical labor. Now he sold water to the villagers at a cheaper rate than that of Pablo. John became rich and powerful now. On the contrary, Pablo's income declined. He became weak day by day. He fell sick and became poor.

So the above story highlighted that we should have a long-term vision to secure our future. Preparing for civil services is about to move towards a great future. Here you have a scope to expand your knowledge and being a part of the elite class of our society. Self-confidence and hard work is the key to earn success.
Here I like to quote a few lines from the book 'You can win' by Shiv Khera.

He worked by day,
He toiled by night,
He gave up play and some delight; 
Dry books he read
New things to learn,
He forged ahead success to earn;
He plodded on faith and pluck,
And when he won 
Men called it luck.

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