Extension Education(Home Science) tips, strategy, previous years’ question analysis according to the syllabus for opsc OAS Exam.

 Home Science Extension Education

Home Science Extension Education


1. Extension Education: Concept, philosophy, objectives, and scope of extension education. Role and qualities of extension worker. Need for Home-Science Extension Education.

2. Extension Education & Development: Objectives of Home-Science Extension Education, Development aspects of extension, Extension as a program and process, Field covered, financing, planning, and characteristic of extension. 

3. Programme planning: Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning, steps of making a program characteristic of a good program planning program implementation and evaluation. 

4. Communication in Extension: Importance, elements of Communication, Communication process, Communication models, scope and purpose of communication, communication channels.

 5. Community Development: Concept, scope, principles, and limitation of Community development and Community Organization, Subject matter of community development. Community Development programs – objectives, principles, and types of community development programs, Role of Panchayati Raj, Village Schools, Cooperatives, Mahila manuals, Youth and farmers club, Self-help Groups, Government and non-Governmental agencies in Extension programs.

 6. Teaching & Learning in extension: Education, extension teaching methods, classification and selection of appropriate method, feature, advantage and limitation of different methods of teaching (mass, group, individual) Audiovisual aids – planning, selection and types of visual, audio and audio-visual aids contribution of audio-visual aids in extension teaching.

Sample Lecture from the Author Himself.

Necessary tips

This is the Section-B of Home Science Paper-2 Syllabus.

  1. This is the most scoring portion of the Home science paper-2. You should always keep in mind that the syllabus is the most important thing for preparing for any examination. The analysis of the previous years’ questions will provide you the necessary guidance to find the focus area which you need to revise time and again. 

  2. The community development chapter is a portion of the Indian polity and specifically, the Panchayati raj system, and grass-root democracy is the most crucial portion for this chapter.

  3. Every year we can expect 20 markers and 60 markers from the community development chapter.

  4. In the communication chapter, we need to keep in mind some essential communication models that are essentially useful for various questions related to communication. Don’t forget the basic line diagram and flowchart while answering questions.

  5. The role and characteristics of extension education is a frequent question each year in the examination so prepare this question beautifully to write in the examination.

  6. In the program planning and evaluation chapter, try to mention different thinkers along with their quotations so it will help you to fetch some extra marks.

  7. Training and learning is a very nice chapter and read this chapter multiple times so that you will feel the pulse of extension education.

  8.  While answering questions, try to mention constitutional provisions, supreme court rulings, real-life examples, and some relevant current happening from the question perspective.

  9. Remember one thing this section and textile section, if you get mastery on these two sections, no one can hold you back from scoring 250+ marks in paper-2.

  10. Write the answer according to the question so don’t write unnecessary things. Home Science is a nice subject.

  11. Most of the questions you can guess before the examination. So the real game is time management. Make the habit of writing to the point answer according to the question so don’t exaggerate your answer by writing unnecessary things.

Chapterwise Previous Years’ Question Analysis 


 Extension Education: Concept, philosophy, objectives, and scope of extension education. Role and qualities of extension worker. Need for Home-Science Extension Education.

Previous Years’ Question from this chapter

  1. Explain the concept, philosophy, objectives, and scope of extension education. (20 marks),2019.


 a.) The word extension is derived from the Latin roots, ‘Ex’ meaning ‘out’ and  ‘tensio’ meaning ‘stretching’. So, ‘Extension Education’ means that type of education which is stretched out into the villages and fields beyond the limits of schools and colleges to which the formal type of education is normally confined.

b.)The word extension is used in a context that signifies an out-of-school system of education. It is a system where people are motivated through a proper approach to help themselves by applying science in their daily lives, in farming, homemaking, and community living.

c. Extension education leads to three changes in human behavior:-

↳Change in knowledge

↳Change in attitude

↳Change in skill

Concept- The concept of Extension Education identifies five phases in its process explained below:-

Analysis of situation- This requires a large number of facts about all aspects of the situation like-
  • About the people: Their interests, education, customs, habits, need, etc.

  • About the physical situation: Soil, type of farming, markets, housing condition, communication, community services.

  • About the problems: Local, National, International.

  • About the Resources: Available through organizations/Agencies.

  • About new facts & research findings.

 Deciding upon objectives- 
  • Distinguishing between General objectives & specific/ working objectives that should express the behavioral changes in people &the desired economic and social outcomes. The solution offered must be satisfactory.

Teaching plan of work- this involves-
  • Content: What is to be taught?

  • Methods & techniques of communication.

  • Creating learning situations.

Evaluation- This should determine-
  • Objectives are reached to what extent.

  • Objectives are stated how accurately and clearly.

  • Comparing results with the original objectives.

 Reconsideration-      Review of previous efforts & results which reveal a new situation showing the need for further work where the whole process may begin again. The new situation is different because:-
  • The People have changed.

  • Physical, social & economic changes occurred.

  • Extension worker is better prepared to recognize new needs and interests.

  • Philosophy may be defined as a body of general principles or laws of a field of knowledge, activity, etc. 

  • The present concept of the extension has combined the concern of philosopher & philanthropist for the development of the whole man with the concern for methodology & efficiency of an organized program.

  • It recognizes the need for scientific knowledge & large scale application of scientific methods & goes deeper into the human need for dignity, self-Reliance, Freedom, and moral responsibility.

Principle of the philosophy of Extension
  • The extension is an organization to plan, Execute &Evaluate program with the people & for the people.

  • The extension is an organization set up to teach people, motivate them to action, not to decide what people should do not merely to render supplies &services.

  • The extension aims at the development of individuals in their day-to-day living, the development of their leaders, their society & their world as a whole.

  • According to Mildred Horton, the four great principles underlying extension services are:

  • The individual is supreme in a democracy.

  • The Home is the fundamental unit in a civilization.

  • The Family is the first training group of the human race.

  • The foundation of any permanent civilization must rest on the partnership of man & the land.

  • The objective in the extension work is to help people reach higher levels of living-Physically, Mentally, & spiritually- for this, people must be educated & trained to meet their responsibilities in relation to God, to their neighbor, & to themselves.

The objectives:-The(A) fundamental objective of Extension is the development of the people or the destination of man. These are found in legislation and charters of organizations. The (B) general objective or the functions of the extension are:- 
  • To assist people to discover and analyze their problems, their felt, and unfelt needs. 

  • To develop leadership among people &help them in organizing groups to solve their problems.

  • To disseminate information based on research or practical experience, in such a manner that the people would accept it & put it into actual practice.

  • To keep the research workers informed of the people’s problems from time to time, so that they may offer solutions based on necessary research.

The ( C) Mejor Objectives of Extension:- Specific/working Objectives:-
  • They are categorized as follows-

  • Material- Increase production, Income

  • Educational- Change the outlook of people or develop the individuals.

  • Social and Cultural- Development of the community.

Working objectives have three parts:-
  • Audience- Who are to be changed.

  • Type of change- Knowledge, Attitude, etc.

  • Content/ Message- What to be taught.

  • It is an out-of-school system of education in which adults and young people learn by doing.

  • It is a process of teaching rural people how to live better by learning ways that improve their form, home & community institution.

  • It is a partnership between Govt. and people that provide service and education designed to meet the needs of the people for their development.

  • It is the education of rural adults and children outside the school about matters of their choice and interest.

  • It deals with the creation, transmission & application of knowledge designed to bring about planned changes in the behavior complex of people, with a view to helping them live better by learning the ways of improving their vocations, enterprises & institutions.

  • It is an organization/program for agricultural development and rural welfare and home economics to assist people engaged in farming & homemaking to utilizer fully their own resources in solving current problems and in meeting the changing economic & social conditions.

  • By the educational and service approach rural people are stimulated to make changes resulting in more efficient jobs as follows:-

      1.  Production and marketing of farm products.
      2. Conservation of natural resources.
      3. Comfortable Homes
      4. Improved health
      5. Satisfying Family Life
      6. Better community Life
  • People are motivated by extension education to satisfy their four categories of basic needs-

  • Desire for security

  • Desire for response

  • Desire for new experience

  • Desire for recognition

Steps in Extension teaching:-


Also, Refer to these Pdfs

  1. Write the objectives of home science extension education and discuss the need for home science extension education. (20 marks),2019.

  2. Discuss the need for home science extension education. (20 marks),2018.

Note-Historically, the extension has meant education in agriculture and in-home economics for rural people. This education is practical, aimed at improving farms and homes. According to Ensminger, the extension is education, and that its purpose is to change attitudes and practices of the people with whom the work is done.

  • Each day new inventions are giving rise to new technology.

  • Homemaking is with no exception to this phenomenon.

  • Unless and until the people adopt new technologies the present situation will not change.

  • There is a need for the homemakers to be supplied with recent, useful and practical information related to home science to improve their living conditions.

  • According to Supe, the researchers neither have the time nor are they equipped for the job of persuading the villagers to adopt scientific methods, and to ascertain from them the rural problems. Similarly, it is difficult for all homemakers to visit the research centers and obtain first-hand information.

  • There is always found a gap between what is the actual situation and what ought to be the desirable situation. This gap is filled by the home science extension agency, which interprets the findings of research to the homemakers and to carry the problems of homemakers to the research centers for the solutions.

  • Home Science Extension education serves as a bridge between technology and people.

  1. Substantiate the need for home science extension education. (20 marks),2017.

  2. State the need for home science extension education. (5 marks),2016.

  3. Objectives of home science extension education and the desired qualities of an extension worker. (5 marks),2015.

  4. Need and scope of extension education. (5 marks),2015.

  5. Explain the need, scope of home science extension education in the 21st century. (20 marks),2006.

  6. Describe the role and quality of extension workers in general and home science extension personnel in particular for disseminating home science technologies. (20 marks),2019.



  • An Extension worker is a catalyst, a Change Agent, who sets up learning situations for people.

  • What he does to the people is important than what he does for the people.

  • He should teach the people to help themselves and not to help them.

  • He should teach them how to think and not what to think.

  • He should help them to determine their own needs & solutions to their problems.

  • He should reach the people where they are.

  • He should change the people and not the subject matter.

  • He should insist that villagers and their representatives take an active part in the production, execution, and evaluation of plans at family, village, and block levels.


  • He should be flexible and not rigid, depending on individual and social needs.

  • He should have the technical knowledge and the ability and enthusiasm to teach the people.

  • He should understand, have love and sympathy for the people with whom he works.

  • He should work in harmony with the culture of the people.

  • He should help people to work together in groups.

  • He should remain out of factions and politics.

  • He should not be compulsive and comice the people through proper selection and combination of extension methods.

  • He should be informed and polite and not too reserved.

  • He should identify himself with the villagers and talk in terms of the interests of the villagers

Also, Refer to these Pdfs.

  1. Qualities of an extension worker. (5 marks),2019.

  2. What are the diversified responsibilities and desired qualities of an extension worker? (20 marks),2017.

  3. Highlight the role of extension workers in society. (5 marks),2016.

  4. How is the need for an attitudinal change identified, addressed, evaluated, and updated? (20 marks),2016.

  5. Explain the role of the extension workers in disseminating the welfare/development program. Explain with suitable illustrations. (20 marks),2011.

  6. What are the qualities of an extension worker? (20 marks),2011.

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