India and Odisha economy syllabus with previous years' questions for opsc OAS main exam




 Indian Economy 

 1. This part will include the following;

 I Planning, economic development, economic reforms, and development of the Corporate Sector in India

 II Economic and Trade issues 

III Foreign trade

 IV Role and Functions of IMF, World Bank and WTO & Reserve Bank of India – its role and functions

 2. Odishan Economy

 I. Development during the Post Reform Period.

 II. Regional disparity

 Sample Lecture from the Author Himself

Past Years’ Questions from this section.

Indian Economy 
  1. ‘Five- Year Plans in India have failed to achieve a considerable rise in the standard of living of the people, in general, and to provide a more egalitarian society, in particular.’ Elucidate. [ 2019, 10 marks]

  2. ‘Economic Development of India is impracticable without the development of its rural sector.’ Explain. [ 2019, 10 marks]

  3. Discuss briefly the barriers to the economic development of India. How can these barriers be overcome? [ 2019, 10 marks]

  4. What are the major objectives of the New Economic Policy of the Government of India 1991? How far has the policy been successful in achieving these objectives? [ 2019, 10 marks]

  5. Why are the micro, small and medium enterprises[MSMEs] considered a growth engine for new India? Discuss the rationale of financial incentives given to MSMEs for their revival.[ 2019, 10 marks]

  6. Discuss the major trade issues of India with the USA. How can the issues be addressed?[ 2019, 10 marks]

  7. State the salient features of the foreign trade policy of the government of India (2015-20). Explain the strategies delineated in the policy to boost exports of India.[ 2019, 10 marks]

  8. Explain how India has benefited from the financial assistance from the International Monetary Fund(IMF). [ 2019, 10 marks]

  9. ‘With GATT being replaced by WTO, India feels that a multilateral agreement would be a serious impingement on the sovereign rights of countries.’ Examine the statement.[ 2019, 10 marks.]

  10. Explain how India would benefit from a simultaneous slashing of repo rate and reverse repo rate by the Reserve Bank of India on 22nd May 2020.[ 2019, 10 marks]

  11. Assess the impact of the economic liberalization of 1991 on the occupational structure in India.[ 2018, 10 marks]

  12. ‘ India is a fast transforming knowledge economy’. Discuss the statement.[ 2018, 10 marks]

  13. How are the principles followed by the NITI Aayog different from those followed by the erstwhile Planning Commission in India?[ 2018, 10 marks]

  14. Critically evaluate inclusiveness and sustainability of growth as the development strategy in India in recent times.[2018, 10 marks]

  15. Explain the performance of the corporate sector in the economic reform period in India.[2018, 10 marks]

  16. What do you mean by monetary policy transmission? Discuss the impediments to monetary policy transmission in India.[2018, 10 marks]

  17. How are India’s exports and imports likely to be affected by changes in the real exchange rate of the Indian economy?[ 2018, 10 marks]

  18. Illustrate, in brief, the composition of India’s imports during the economic reforms era.[ 2018, 10 marks]

  19. Explain the term ‘ Demonetisation’. Assess the effects of demonetization of the economy and on black money. [2018, 10 marks]

  20. Describe the salient features of TRIMS. How has it impacted the textile and clothing sector in India?[ 2018, 10 marks]

  21. Indian planning could not meet its most cherished goal of achieving an egalitarian society for Indians. Elucidate.[ 2017, 10 marks]

  22. Give the present state of economic development of India. Explain that ‘economic growth and human development must go together to make it more inclusive.[2017, 10 marks]

  23. ‘ Economic reforms in India have neglected agriculture and promoted manufacturing and service sectors, thereby have initiated a process of uneven economic development. Give your views and substantiate.[ 2017, 10 marks]

  24. Discuss the main challenges that the corporate sector of India encounters in the post-reform period. [2017, 10 marks]

  25. State the role of the Federation of Indian Exports Organisations. [ 2017, 3 marks]

  26. How is Foreign Exchange Management Act(FEMA) different from the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act(FERA)? [ 2017, 3 marks]

  27. What is the broad objective of India’s Preferential market access Policy?[ 2017, 3 marks]

  28. State the major commodity groups whose exports from India have shown positive growth during January 2017 and January 2018.[ 2017, 3 marks]

  29. How could the IMF membership of India help making its rupee independent?[2017, 3 marks]

  30. How has India benefited from the Aid-India consortium of the World Bank?[ 2017, 3 marks]

  31. How is the Indian pharmaceutical industry affected by WTO?[ 2017, 3 marks]

  32. Why did the Narsimhan committee recommend lowering the cash Reserve Ratio(CRR)? [ 2017,3 marks]

  33. Which financial companies are not regulated by the Reserve Bank of India?[ 2017, 3 marks]

  34.  How does the Reserve Bank of India act as a banker to the banks? [2017, 3 marks]

  35. ‘The objective of planning in India is not merely to augment growth but to assure regional balance’ Explain.[ 2016, 10 marks]

  36. ‘ The sluggish economic development in India has been basically due to deficiency in physical and social infrastructure’ Elucidate.[2016, 10 marks]

  37. Discuss the objectives of the New Economic Policy, 1991 of the Government of India. How far has the policy been successful in achieving these objectives?[ 2016, 10 marks]

  38. Discuss the problems and prospects of corporate social responsibility in India.[ 2016, 10 marks]

  39. Foreign Institutional Investors(FIIs).[ 2016, 3 marks]

  40. Foreign Investment Promotion Board of India.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  41. The trade deficit of India.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  42. Convertibility of Indian Rupee.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  43. India’s borrowing from IMF.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  44. World Bank Aid to India.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  45. WTO and Indian Agriculture.[2016, 3 marks]

  46. Non- Performing Asset(NPA) of commercial bank of India,[ 2016, 3 marks]

  47. The supervisory function of the Reserve Bank of India.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  48. Monetary Targeting by the Reserve Bank Of India.[ 2016, 3 marks]

  49. Discuss the function of NITI Aayog. How does it differ from the planning commission?[ 2015, 10 marks]

  50. What are the causes of slow rates of growth in agriculture in India?[ 2015, 10 marks]

  51. Why has India gone for economic reforms? Discuss its impact on the Indian Economy.[ 2015, 10 marks]

  52. Analyze the role of the corporate sector in the economic development of India.[ 2015, 10 marks]

  53. Foreign Direct Investment in India[ 2015, 3 marks]

  54. Export promotion Strategy of India[ 2015, 3 marks]

  55. Devaluation.[2015, 3 marks]

  56. IMF and India.[2015, 3 marks]

  57. Financial inclusion.[2015,3 marks]

  58. Depreciation in Exchange rate.[ 2015, 3 marks]

  59. Non-Banking Financial Institutions[2015, 3 marks]

  60. WTO negotiations on trade in services and India.[ 2015, 3 marks]

  61. Promotional role of Reserve Bank of India.[ 2015, 3 marks]

  62. Repo rate as an instrument of credit control by the Reserve Bank of India. [2015, 3 marks]

  63. Give a brief review of the development of the Indian Economy after Economic Reforms.[ 2011, 20 marks]

  64. Examine the role of Foreign capital and Foreign Aid in the Economic Development of India. [2011, 20 marks]

  65. Explain the measurement of Economic Development.[ 2011 10 marks]

  66. Examine the role of RBI in the Recession.[ 2011, 10 marks]

  67. Explain Indian Agriculture and the WTO. Developmental Agenda and Challenges.[ 2011, 10 marks]

  68. What is CRR?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  69. Write two objectives of the 12th five-year plan.[ 2011, 2 marks]

  70. What is IBRD?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  71. Write the two functions of IMF.[ 2011, 2 marks]

  72. What is the Balance of Trade?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  73. What is the Reverse repo rate?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  74. Difference between Economic growth and Development.[ 2011, 2 marks]

  75. What is PQLI?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  76. What is Inclusive Growth?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  77. What is Inflation?[ 2011, 2 marks]

  78. Briefly review the development experience of India since Independence.[ 2006, 20 marks]

  79. Assess the role of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) in solving the problems of international liquidity.[ 2006, 20 marks]

  80. Examine the recent changes in the composition and the direction of India’s foreign trade.[ 2006, 10m marks]

  81. Discuss the measures adopted by the Reserve Bank of India to reduce the impact of the global financial crisis on the Indian Economy.[ 2006, 10 marks]

  82. Examine the limitations and achievements of the World Trade Organisation(WTO). [2006, 10 marks]

  83. What is a mixed economy?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  84. What is the Green Revolution?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  85. What is inclusive growth?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  86. What is inflation?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  87. What is VAT?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  88. What is globalisation?[2006, 2 marks]

  89. What is devaluation?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  90. What is disguised unemployment?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  91. What is IBRD?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  92. What is the Human Development Index?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  93. Assess the impact of economic reforms in India since 1991 on growth, employment, and poverty.[ 2006, 2o marks]

  94. Explain the salient features of the Eleventh five-year plan of India.[ 2006, 20 marks]

  95. Explain the reasons that led India to globalize its economy. How far has the country gained from it?[ 2006, 10 marks]

  96. What are the main provisions of the World Trade Organisation(WTO) in the field of agriculture?[ 2006, 10 marks]

  97. Discuss the recent credit control policy of the Reserve Bank of India.[ 2006, 10 marks]

  98. What is an Ad-Valorem Tax?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  99. What is an Agrarian Economy?[2006, 2 marks]

  100. What is the Balance of Payments?[2006, 2 marks]

  101. What is the Bank rate?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  102. What is the cash reserve ratio?[2006, 2 marks]

  103. What is the Fiscal deficit?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  104. What is inflation?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  105. What is the rolling Plan?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  106. What is dumping?[ 2006, 2 marks]

  107. What is a floating Exchange rate?[ 2006, 2 marks]

Sample Lecture from the Author Himself

Odishan Economy
  1. Discuss the Growth performance of the Odisha economy since 1991. Comment on the sectoral Growth rate.[ 2019, 15 marks]

  2. Define ‘sustainable industrial development’. How can it be achieved for Odisha?[ 2019, 15 marks]

  3. ‘Regional Disparity in Odisha is a challenge to achieving overall development of the state’ Elucidate.[ 2019, 15 marks]

  4. Elucidate the key features of the economic development of Odisha during the post-reform period,[ 2018, 15 marks]

  5. What do you understand about regional disparity? Examine the steps taken by the Government of Odisha to minimize regional disparity.[ 2018, 15 marks]

  6. Give an account of the growth of steel industries in Odisha and discuss the problems faced by the steel industries of Odisha in procuring raw materials.[ 2018, 15 marks]

  7. ‘In spite of several proactive measures taken by the Government of Odisha to promote industrialization in the state, it remains tardy and slow’. Explain.[ 2017, 15 marks]

  8. ‘ In the post-reforms period, Odisha’s economy is growing fast but poverty among masses has not reduced perceptibly’. Elucidate.[ 2017, 15 marks]

  9. Discuss the factors responsible for the existence and continuation of regional disparity in Odisha. Suggest remedial measures.[ 2017, 15 marks]

  10. Why is Odisha scoring low in the Human Development Index? Discuss the major initiatives taken by the Government of Odisha to reverse the trend.[ 2016, 15 marks]

  11. Discuss the constraints on achieving an inclusive growth strategy in Odisha. How can the constraints be violated?[ 2016, 15 marks]

  12. ‘Uneven industrial development has been one of the major sources of regional disparity in Odisha’. Explain.[ 2016, 15 marks]

  13. Discuss the main features of the new industrial policy of Govt. of Odisha[ 2015, 15 marks]

  14. Give an account of the growth of steel industries in Odisha and discuss the problems faced by the steel industries of Odisha in Procuring raw materials.[ 2015, 15 marks]

  15. Point out the causes of the economic backwardness of KBK districts and discuss the steps taken by Govt. of Odisha for the economic development of the area.[ 2015, 15 marks]

  16. Explain the main features of the economic development of Odisha during the post-reform period.[ 2011, 15 marks]

  17. What do you mean by regional disparity? Discuss the steps taken by the Government to minimize regional disparity.[ 2011, 15 marks]

  18. Outline the major trends in the economic growth of Odisha in the post-reform period.[ 2006, 16 marks]

  19. Do you say that the development strategy adopted so far has not been successful in reducing regional disparity and accelerating faster economic growth in the state? Explain.[ 2006, 14 marks]

  20. Account for the slow economic development of the Odishan Economy in the post-reform period. How do you relate this slow growth with the high regional imbalance prevailing in the state?[ 2006, 18+12=30 marks]

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