Home Science Optional, Extension Education,Communication in Extension Chapter

Chapter-4,Home Science Optional, P-2, Sec-B

Communication in Extension: Importance, elements of Communication, Communication process, Communication models, scope and purpose of communication, communication channels.

Chapter-4,Home Science Optional, P-2, Sec-B

Home Science Extension Education


1. Extension Education: Concept, philosophy, objectives, and scope of extension education. Role and qualities of extension worker. Need for Home-Science Extension Education.

2. Extension Education & Development: Objectives of Home-Science Extension Education, Development aspects of extension, Extension as a program and process, Field covered, financing, planning, and characteristic of extension. 

3. Programme planning: Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning, steps of making a program characteristic of a good program planning program implementation and evaluation. 

4. Communication in Extension: Importance, elements of Communication, Communication process, Communication models, scope and purpose of communication, communication channels.

 5. Community Development: Concept, scope, principles, and limitation of Community development and Community Organization, Subject matter of community development. Community Development programs – objectives, principles, and types of community development programs, Role of Panchayati Raj, Village Schools, Cooperatives, Mahila manuals, Youth and farmers club, Self-help Groups, Government and non-Governmental agencies in Extension programs.

 6. Teaching & Learning in extension: Education, extension teaching methods, classification and selection of appropriate method, feature, advantage and limitation of different methods of teaching (mass, group, individual) Audiovisual aids – planning, selection and types of visual, audio and audio-visual aids contribution of audio-visual aids in extension teaching.



Communication in Extension: Importance, elements of Communication, Communication process, Communication models, scope and purpose of communication, communication channels.

Past Years’ Questions from this chapter

  1. Elucidate the importance and elements of communication.[ 20 marks,OAS Main, 2018]

  2. Significance of satellite communication[ 5 marks,OAS Main, 2018]                                                  This question is a dynamic question, generally not expected. They are becoming more specific nowadays.

  3. What are the strategies adopted to achieve effective communication?[ 60 marks, OAS Main, 2018]

  4. Describe the role of effective communication in the implementation of successful extension activities.[ 60 marks, OAS Main, 2017]

  5. Trace the transformation in communication techniques in the past 50 years.[60 marks, OAS Main, 2016]

  6. Detail on the influence of modern technologies on the communication process.[20 marks, OAS Main, 2015]

  7. Substantiate the statement ‘Good communication is an integral part of extension activity.’[20 marks, OAS Main, 2015]

  8. The present day ‘Knowledge Explosion in the world has necessitated a communication Explosion’.-Explain.[60 marks, OAS Main, 2011]

  9. Different approaches in communication.[5 marks, OAS Main, 2011]

  10. What are different models of communication? Discuss how communication can be done effectively in rural community with examples.[60 marks, OAS Main, 2006]

  11. Explain the elements of communication and discuss the importance of communication in extension education.[20 marks, OAS Main, 2019]


Definition & Importance 

The word “communication” has its root in latin word ‘communis’ meaning ‘ Establishing Commonness’. Thus, communication is a conscious effort to share information, ideas,attitudes, skills, etc with others.


  1. According to Hovland, ‘ Communication is the process by which an individual[ the communicator] transmits stimuli to modify the behaviour of other individuals[communicates]’

  2. According to Leagans, ‘ Communication is the process by which two or more people exchange ideas, facts,  feelings or impressions in ways that each gains a common understanding of the meaning, intent, and use of messages.

  3. Roger and Agrawal define communication as the process by which an idea is transferred from source to receiver with the intention of changing his or her behaviour.


In Rural Development, transfer of useful information from person to person is very important.

  • By such communication, millions of rural people can overcome their ignorance, poverty, and achieve Socio-Economic  prosperity & progress.

  • This largely depends on the ability of the Extension worker in effective communication in effective communication of the various knowledge, skills, for change of behaviour of the people.

  • Communication is important  to support participatory development.

  • We communicate for our own survival, learning, discovery, persuasion, consultation, collaboration, and to have influence on people.

  • Communication helps in the fulfilment of teaching, research, and sustainable development in the field of science and technologies, agriculture and environment.

  • It is the key to success for an extension worker, as it helps to achieve the change in behaviour of the people.

  • The main purpose of communication is education, information, and entertainment.

Elements of Communication

A successful communication involves the six key elements:-

  1. The communicator

  2. The Message/Content

  3. Channels of communication.

  4. Treatment of message

  5. The Audience

  6. Audience Response

A skillful communicator  sending a useful message through proper channels, effectively treated to an appropriate Audience to evoke the desired Response.

Communication process by various Communication models

scope and purpose of communication

  1. The Communicator who is the sender, gives expression to messages intended to reach an Audience in a manner that results in correct interpretation and desirable response.

  2. The communicator may be a village Development Officer, a principal, an instructor of a training centre, a block extension officer, a villager, an administrator, or any other person.

  3. The communicator wishes his audience to receive, understand, accept, and act upon the message or information sent by him.

  4. Messages may consist of statements of scientific facts about agriculture,sanitation, or nutrition; Description of action being taken by individuals, groups or committees; reason why certain action should be taken, etc.

  5. Messages related to programmes of change need to be communicated effectively to cause change of behaviour for which messages are to be reliable, clear, specific, significant,simple,timely stated,proper as per the objective, in accordance with the mental, social,economic & physical capabilities of the audience and sent through appropriate channels.

  6. Purpose of communication is to promote understanding by attaching meaning to the facts.

  7. To make the audience accept/reject facts & propositions for change of behaviour.

  8. To transmit the right message to the right people at the right time is the purpose.

  9. To bring about changes in the mind followed by changes in action.

  10. To promote desirable action by an audience by making him understand  what is right or wrong.

communication channels

  1. The channels of communication connect and tune the sender and receiver of messages together. 

  2. They act as physical Bridges between the two on which messages travel to & fro  and carry the messages to their destination.

  3. Channels must be used in the right way , in the right direction, at the right time, to do the right job for the right purpose with the right audience, all in relation to the message.

  4. Successful communicators prevent the Blockage or Noise affecting the channels of communication that emerge from one or more of the foregoing conditions.

  5. The channel is the method or means used to get the message to the Audience.

Various Examples of Channels Of communication.

  1. Direct Contact.

  2. Informal Group meeting.

  3. Demonstration.

  4. Visual Aids- Photographs, Posters, Black Boards, Puppets, Slides, Film Strips, Films.

  5. Literature- News Paper, Wall News Paper, Leaflets, Pamphlets, Circular Letters.

  6. Songs & Drama

  7. Specimens, Models, Exhibits

NOTE- This is the most basic and simple material I have prepared for you for your foundation building. Later I will make an extensive material to answer some more specific questions asked in the recent years of the examination. This material is solely to build your basics in a simple and nice manner.

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