Home Science Optional, Extension Education (Programme Planning Chapter)

Chapter-3, Home Science Optional, P-2, Sec-B

Programme planning: Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning, steps of making a program characteristic of a good program planning program implementation and evaluation. 

Chapter-3, Home Science Optional, P-2, Sec-B

Home Science Extension Education


1. Extension Education: Concept, philosophy, objectives, and scope of extension education. Role and qualities of extension worker. Need for Home-Science Extension Education.

2. Extension Education & Development: Objectives of Home-Science Extension Education, Development aspects of extension, Extension as a program and process, Field covered, financing, planning, and characteristic of extension. 

3. Programme planning: Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning, steps of making a program characteristic of a good program planning program implementation and evaluation. 

4. Communication in Extension: Importance, elements of Communication, Communication process, Communication models, scope and purpose of communication, communication channels.

 5. Community Development: Concept, scope, principles, and limitation of Community development and Community Organization, Subject matter of community development. Community Development programs – objectives, principles, and types of community development programs, Role of Panchayati Raj, Village Schools, Cooperatives, Mahila manuals, Youth and farmers club, Self-help Groups, Government and non-Governmental agencies in Extension programs.

 6. Teaching & Learning in extension: Education, extension teaching methods, classification and selection of appropriate method, feature, advantage and limitation of different methods of teaching (mass, group, individual) Audiovisual aids – planning, selection and types of visual, audio and audio-visual aids contribution of audio-visual aids in extension teaching.



 Programme planning: Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning, steps of making a program, characteristic of a good program planning, program implementation and evaluation. 

Past Years’ Questions from this chapter

  1. Write on the principle and scope of programme planning.[ 20 marks, OAS MAIN, 2018]

  2. Need of evaluation of a programme.[ 5 marks, OAS MAIN, 2018]

  3. Describe the characteristics of good program planning.[ 5 marks, OAS MAIN, 2017]

  4. Details on the different steps towards program planning, its implementation and evaluation.[ 20 marks, OAS MAIN, 2017]

  5. When is evaluation of a programme needed? Justify your choice.[ 5 marks, OAS MAIN, 2016]

  6. Explain the meaning, principle,and scope of program planning.[ 60 marks, OAS MAIN, 2016]

  7. Discuss, in detail, on the steps involved in good programme planning, implementation and evaluation. [ 60 marks, OAS MAIN, 2015]

  8. Explain the criteria for good programme planning.[ 60 marks, OAS MAIN, 2011]

  9. Characteristics of a good extension programme.[ 5 marks, OAS MAIN, 2006]

  10. Define programme planning. What are the principles and scope of programme planning? Write the steps in planning and execution of a programme.[ 40 marks, OAS MAIN, 2019]


Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of program planning

Extension programme planning is a procedure of solving the problems faced by the people to go forward with development. The programme provides a firm to the agent for planning extension activities. It can be used efficiently if it is written and made available to all concerned.


  1. According to Kelsey and Hearne, 

 “ An Extension programme is a statement of situation, objectives, problems, and  solutions.”

  1. According to Leagans,

“ An Extension Programme is a set of clearly defined, consciously conceived educational objectives derived from an adequate analysis of the situation, which are to be achieved through extension teaching.”

➡ Programme planning is the process of bringing about planned change. It is a deliberate and collaborative process involving change-agent, client-systems, which are brought together to solve a problem.

➡A Plan of Work is an outline of activities so arranged as to enable efficient execution of the entire programme.

Objectives of Programme

The main objectives of extension programme as stated by Kelsey and Hearne are:

  1. To ensure careful consideration of what is to be done and why

  2. To furnish a guide against which to judge all new proposals

  3. To establish objectives towards which progress can be measured and evaluated.

  4. To have means of choosing the important (deep rooted) from incidental (minor, less important) problems and the permanent from the temporary changes.

  5. To develop a common understanding about the means and ends between various functionaries and organisations.

  6. To ensure continuity during changes in personnel.

  7. To develop leadership.

  8. To avoid waste of time and money and promote efficiently.

  9. To justify expenditure and ensure flow of funds.

  10. To have available resources in written form as a statement for public use.

Assumption of Extension Programme Planning.

Massie Boyle has listed the following assumption relating to Extension programme planning.

  1. Planned change is a necessary prerequisite to effective social progress for people and community.

  2. The most desirable change is predetermined and democratically achieved.

  3. Extension Education programmes, if properly planned and implemented, can make significant contributions to planned change.

  4. It is possible to select, organise, and administer a programme that will contribute to the social and economic progress of the people.

  5. People and communities need the guidance and leadership and help of extension workers to solve their problems in a planned and systematic way.


According to Kelsey and Hearne, sound Extension Programme Planning-

  1. Is based on Analysis of facts in the situations

  2. Selects problems based on needs.

  3. Determines objectives and solutions which offer satisfaction.

  4. Has permanence with flexibility.

  5. Has balance with Emphasis.

  6. Has a definite plan of work.

  7. Is a continuous process.

  8. Is a teaching process.

  9. Is a coordinating process.

  10. Provides for evaluation of results.

  11. Problems of action should be selected on priority basis of recognized needs

  12. The programme planning should be educational and directed towards bringing about improvements in the ability of the people to solve their problems individually as well as collectively.


The Controlling Objective of India’s National Extension Service is to :

  1. Develop in villagers the ability to make a better living & to live a more satisfying life as individuals,as family members & as citizens.

  2. Prepare useful programmes for rural development, depending on focus, priority, and design.

  3. Distinguish important needs from unimportant ones.

  4. Prepare a programme based on people’s needs to make it significant and on their interests to make it effective.

  5. Make decisions that will carry into the future. Decisions have to be made about what the present situation is, how it could and ought to be changed & what means can be used to accomplish the new and more desirable situation.

steps of making a program

The Extension Programme [PLAN THE WORK] 

  1. Collection and Analysis of data

  2. Determination of Needs and Objectives

  3. Identification / Definition of problems

  4. Finding Solutions

The Annual Plan of Work[ WORK THE PLAN]

  1. Selecting problems and determining priorities

  2.  preparing a plan of action

  3.  carrying out the plan

  4.  checking and evaluating results 

  5.   review of a progress and projection of a plan

The Means are:






A good programme meets the needs & interests of the majority of the people and motivates them to make necessary changes.

➡ To be effective, every programme must start with the people & situation as they are, and then build towards the ultimate goal of better family living.

Some criteria for Good Programme planning are:

  1. Describe the situation, then base the programme on it.

  2. Select problems & fix priorities based on felt needs.

  3. Objectives and Goals should offer satisfaction.

  4. Programme should have permanence with flexibility.

  5. Programme should combine balance with emphasis.

  6. Prepare a plan of work.

  7. Programming is a continuous process.

  8. Programming is an educational process.

  9. Programming is a coordinating process.

  10. Programme planning provides for evaluation of results.

program Implementation:

The success of a programme depends on how it is carried out.

  1. The immediate steps should be taken by the Village Development Officer & local institutions at village level, the extension specialist, the B. D. O, & Panchayat Sammit to phase every activity in a proper perspective and arrange all things in time.

  2. Proper arrangements for supply of fertilizers, Equipments, credit, Audio-Visual Aids, and literature should be available in advance.

  3. A training programme for specialized projects should be organised much ahead.

  4. Best type of local leaders are to be selected who can take up the responsibility and multiply the efforts of the extension Agency.

  5. All steps in programme implementation are to be discussed with the villagers and their consent to be taken for participation and partnership at appropriate periods.

  6. Steps  for assistance and direction should be clearly stated to avoid confusion in learning the extension programme.

  7. Proper coordination of the village-level and block-level institutions are to be maintained with the extension workers and villagers in the process of programme planning so that the programme will be more realistic and easier to implement.

program Evaluation:

Extension Evaluation is the process of determining how well the desired behavioural changes have taken place or are taking place by extension educational effort.

Its main purpose is to facilitate effective decision-making without jumping to conclusions.

Steps Of Evaluation.

The following 5 simple questions in Evaluation indicate the 5 main steps in the process-

  1. What information do you want and why?

  2. Where, when and how will you get the information?

  3. Who will collect the information?

  4. How will it be analysed?

  5. What does it mean?

Six Keys to Evaluating Extension work:

  1. Statement of Objectives- State the objective of an activity to be evaluated in terms of behaviour changes in the people who are to do the learning. e.g Farmers to learn which crop variety is best adapted to their soils.

  2. Source of Evidence- Only those people whom you try to reach can provide proof of your success or failure .e.g Those Grape growers who attend the pruning demo. Meeting.

  3. Representative Sample- Those persons who actually provide the evidence of success must be representative of all whom we tried to approach. E.g  Every’ th  name from the list of grape growers attending the demonstration. Each selected farmer must answer the questionnaire.

  4. Appropriate Methods- The  Methods of  obtaining Evidence must be appropriate to the kinds of information being collected.e.g Behaviour change to evaluate Youth to learn to be more interested in his community. Record observation of what he does in his community before and after the teaching.

  5. Reliable Questions- Word questions carefully so as to obtain reliable, unbiased data.e.g When asking questions about a tour-- Did you see any new methods of Rice cultivation during the tour? YES  OR NO. If Yes , what are they?

  6. Plan to use Results- Decide how you will analyse and use your evaluation results before evaluation is done.

E.g  How should I change my methods or programmes to bring about a different kind of change?

  • Evaluation is not mere recording of activities or achievements but is a process of comparing these results with the original objectives.

  • Successful evaluation gives a correct direction to a programme.

  • Evaluation of activities should be undertaken jointly by the extension staff, the village institutions and the panchayat samiti.

  • Each future programme should be based on the Evaluation Results of the previous one.

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