A Heartfelt Message Of My Student On teachers' Day

Student-Teacher Relationship: An unique emotion of it's kind.

Student-Teacher Relationship: An unique emotion of it's kind.

*Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu*

 *Guru Devo Maheshwara*

 *Guru Sakshat  Parabrahma*

*Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah.*


Esteemed Sir,

I don't know how to show my heartfelt gratitude to you Sir. I don't even get the chance to do so. *So I penned it from my heart out today on this auspicious day.* 

*A teacher is someone who not only teach the brain but also train the character and most importantly make him realise his own potential to reach his ultimate goal.* In the failure he stands like a rock to protect his student. In the midst of darkness light persists. _*And for me you're the light who enlightened me to achieve the desired goal and not stop until reaching the ultimate goal of clearing IAS.*_

I was totally shattered after the failure in OPSC. I couldn't even trust how can't I be in the list. I don't even know how to tackle it,how to study and how to find my weakness. *In this midst of these chaos you calm me and show me the path.*

Now, I don't know weather I'll clear or not but i have very much clarity about what I'm doing right now. 

_Thanks for being always be my friend, philosopher and guide who is available 24*7._

 A person who is doing whatever he can do just to see his student name in that pdf list. I can't even match the half of your dedication. *Truly you're an inspiring figure for me.🙏🏻*

In this journey I don't have any friend or guide left.  I'm fighting on my own & in this fight to get the desire goal- some taunted me on my failure,some ignore me and some undervalued me and some pulling me down & in between this i completely lost myself. I'm thinking of quitting this journey & move on. *But you're the one who always push me & make me assure that even I can crack the exam.*

 _*Thanks for being always positive and hopeful towards me. For which act of your kindness I'm always obliged to you.*_

Give me your blessings to crack the exam this time with flying colours.🙏🏻

*Your student for lifetime*


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