Download GS-1(Kalinga War) Notes For OPSC OAS Exam.


GS-1(Odisha History): Kalinga War Notes

GS-1(Odisha History): Kalinga War Notes

A long time ago in India, there was a big war between two places. One place was called the Mauryan Empire and it was ruled by a king named Ashoka. The other place was called Kalinga and it was a small kingdom near the sea. The war changed Ashoka's life and made him a better king.
Why did the war happen? 

Ashoka wanted to make his empire bigger. Kalinga was a rich place with many ships and traders. Ashoka wanted to have Kalinga for his empire.
How did Ashoka feel? 

At first, Ashoka wanted to win the war and be famous. But the war was very bad and many people died or were hurt. Ashoka saw the pain and sadness he caused. He felt very sorry and decided to follow Buddhism. Buddhism taught him to be kind and peaceful.

What did Ashoka do? 
After the war, Ashoka stopped fighting and started helping people. He made rules for his empire that said everyone should be nice and fair to each other. He also told people about Buddhism and how it can make them happy.

What did Ashoka write? 
Ashoka wrote his rules and messages on big stones and pillars. He put them in different places in his empire so that people can read them. These writings are called the "Ashokan Edicts." They tell us about Ashoka's thoughts and feelings.
Why is the war important? 

The war is important because it shows us how a person can change for the better. Ashoka became a good king who cared about his people and other living things. He made his empire a peaceful and happy place. He is one of the most loved kings in Indian history.
If you want to learn more about the war for your exam, you should remember these things:

When and where did the war happen?
- Why did Ashoka want to fight Kalinga?
- How did the war affect Ashoka and his empire?
- What did Ashoka do after the war?
- What did Ashoka write on the stones and pillars?
- Why is the war important for Indian history?

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