Download OAS Home Science Optional Syllabus PDF

OAS Home Science Syllabus

OAS Home Science Syllabus


Section A - Food & Nutrition.

 1. Study of Foods: Importance, Composition, the nutritive value of Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables and             Fruits, Fleshy foods (Meat, Fish, Poultry, Egg), Milk & Milk products, Fats, and oils. 

2. Study of Nutrients: Classification, sources, function, requirement and deficiencies of Proteins, Fats,        Carbohydrates, Minerals, Vitamins, Water and Roughages.

 3. Utilisation of Food: Digestion, absorption, and metabolism of Proteins, Fat and Carbohydrates.               Basal metabolism and factors affecting Basal metabolism methods of measurement of Basal                   Metabolic Rate (BMR), Total energy requirement, and factors affecting the requirement.

 4. Therapeutic Nutrition: Therapeutic adoption of normal diets, Factors to be considered in planning therapeutic diets. Dietary management in case of Diabetes, Nephritis, Peptic ulcer, Hypertension,            Atherosclerosis, Liver Cirrhosis, and hepatitis.

 5. Food spoilage: Causes of food spoilage and food contamination. Food adulteration and food                poisoning measuring the quality of food, control of food quality (Codex Alimentarius, Bureau of       Indian Standards(BIS) FPO, Ag mark, ISI).

 6. Malnutrition: Causes and effect of malnutrition on the vulnerable section of the society, the effect of malnutrition on national development. Measures to combat malnutrition – National nutrition policy and programs. Role of ICDS, WHO, UNICEF, NIN, NFI, CFTRI, FTRI, NNMB in combating malnutrition.

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 Section B - Human Development and Family Studies. 

1. Basis of human development: How life begins, the role of genetic and environment factors affecting human development, stages, and factors affecting pre-natal growth and development.

 2. Development of children (0-5 years): Physical and Motor development, Intellectual development (Piaget’s stages of development) Development of emotion.

 3. Development of children (0-5 years). Speech development, Social development, Personality development (Role of family, School, Community, and Mass Media).

 4. Exceptional Children: Meaning, Classification of exceptional children. Management and care of Gifted Mentally and Physically challenged and Sensory impaired children. 

5. Adolescent Development: Physical and sexual development, Social and Emotional changes, Development of aspiration and achievement, Personality development and Family relationships. 

6. Family life cycle: Significance, stages, and developmental tasks, and problems associated with each stage of the family life cycle. Contemporary family problems Marital problems, Financial, Sickness, Accidents, Dowry, Divorce, Old age, Employed Women. Strengthening families through counseling.

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Section A - (i) Family Resource Management

 1. Management of family Resources: Time management – Time demand during the life cycle, Tools in time management, Leisure time, factors to be considered in making time plan. Energy management – Relation of energy to stages of the family life cycle, energy cost of household tasks, work simplification techniques. 

2. Money management: Family income, stages of the family life cycle and use of money, budgeting, saving, and investing the money for the future. Supplementing family income.
3. Housing and Interior decoration: Selection of site, house layout, floor plans, space distribution with reference to activities, building components, and materials. Furnishing: types (furniture, curtains and draperies, wall treatment, floor covering, upholstery, lighting), planning, obtaining information, evaluating cost, principles of interior designing followed in furnishing the house. 

(ii) Textile and clothing - 

4. Textile fibers: Classification of textile fibers, according to sources and chemical composition, manufacturing process, physical, chemical, and other properties of Cotton, Wool, Silk. Rayon, Acrylic, Polyester. 

5. Fiber to Fabric: Construction yarn making process, Types of yarns, fabric construction techniques, Weaving, parts of the loom, Types of weaves; Fabric finishes (textural finishes, functional finishes) Different dyeing and printing methods.

 6. Wardrobe Planning, Colour combination in textile designing, criteria of selection of clothes for           different age groups, climatic conditions and occasions for men, women and children.

 Section B- Home Science Extension Education 

1. Extension Education: Concept, philosophy, objectives, and scope of extension education. Role and qualities of extension worker. Need for Home-Science Extension Education. 

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2. Extension Education & Development: Objectives of Home-Science Extension Education, Development aspects of extension, Extension as a program and process, Field covered, financing, planning, and characteristic of extension.

 3. Programme planning: Meaning, nature, principle, and scope of the program planning, steps of making a program characteristic of a good program planning program implementation and evaluation.

 4. Communication in Extension: Importance, elements of Communication, Communication process, Communication models, scope and purpose of communication, communication channels.

 5. Community Development: Concept, scope, principles, and limitation of Community development and Community Organization, Subject matter of community development. Community Development programs – objectives, principles and types of community development programs, Role of Panchayati Raj, Village Schools, Cooperatives, Mahila manuals, Youth and farmers club, Self-help groups, Government and non-Governmental agencies in Extension programs.

 6. Teaching & Learning in extension: Education, extension teaching methods, classification and selection of appropriate method, feature, advantage and limitation of different methods of teaching (mass, group, individual) Audiovisual aids – planning, selection, and types of visual, audio, and audio-visual aids contribution of audio-visual aids in extension teaching.

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